Up Over My Head
I will be doing a live streaming set at one of the coffee houses I stopped at on the debt advocacy tour 4 years ago, this Friday night (5/28) at 730PM EST. Justice is in the air.

Four years ago I went on tour throughout the mid-atlantic where I brought with me a debt advocacy survey. I didnt know what I was doing. I didnt have tons of people in the audience, but I had great conversations with people and when I got back from that tour I had a small amount of data that reflected to me people in this nation across all these lines of historical division were hurting because of a system of exploitation and debt. Fast forward to today, and I am member of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival alongside tens of thousands of others who are organizing to bring about a Moral Justice Jubilee and a Third Reconstruction.
To industry, the tour in the mid-atlantic is a blip and a flop. I didnt make money. I didnt "break through." In all honesty to industry, I'm considered a flop. How dehumanizing! But something else is happening, right now, that is deeply important. 4 years ago, I was searching for something that my ego, that my individualist thought patterns, had no answer for. I was searching for justice. I was searching for freedom. And there it was ALL ALONG , the spirit of the movement up over my head. The spirit up over all of our heads elevating us to a program of freedom and justice. Have you ever looked back and wondered how the little stream in your mind opened up into an ocean of collective thought and will? It's the spirit of struggle right up over your head moving you in ways beyond your consciousness towards home. Listen to it, recognize it, pay attention to it, jump in and follow its call. When we say "Everybody In Nobody Out" it means something much more than inclusion, it means a new program, a new way of existing with one another. There is a collective waiting for you. There is a movement welcoming you and your spirit home. The place where you belong and are valued. I haven't physically seen my family and movement family in over a year, but I have been home this entire time.
I will be doing a live streaming set at one of the coffee houses I stopped at on the tour 4 years ago, this Friday night. And I am so excited to share with them that the fusion movement is pregnant again. That justice is in the air.
And yes, I really do believe a change is coming.
The livestream concert starts at 730PM EST on Friday, May 28th! Join by visiting: 3rd Street Coffee House