House Of Demeter Song Circle

House Of Demeter, is an album + song circle project dedicated to advancing democracy and human rights through the mediums of collective music and art creation, and political education. This project – which is deeply rooted in movement building history – will break down barriers and unite individuals from all walks of life, fostering collaboration and creativity in pursuit of a more just and inclusive society.

Through mentorship from experienced facilitators, participants will learn not only song circle techniques but also begin to practice making collective decisions and building community power.

Beyond the song circles and workshops, House Of Demeter, is a part of a cultural strategy towards positive social transformation. By fostering collaboration, creativity, and empathy, the project will empower individuals to become agents of change in their own communities. Through shared experiences and collective song, participants and audiences alike will be inspired to work towards a future where dignity and human rights are upheld.

A community that sings together and writes together has – in the words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr – “the assertiveness and togetherness to force political will and make those in power desirous to say no, say yes.”